Bulletin Board
Support QFHS
QFHS is a federally-registered charity, supported solely by volunteers who help researchers, from beginners to experts, learn about their ancestors and heritage. We are funded by membership dues, fundraising events, and donations
Membership provides a great place to connect with people who share a common interest and to research, record and tell unique family stories about our ancestors who lived in Quebec, Canada, United States, British Isles, Western Europe, and elsewhere around the world.
Your support is important to us. Here is how you can help.
Membership -
July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025
Annual fees
 Payment received after May 31 will apply to the next membership year, beginning August 1. 
Membership Categories
          Individual      $75    One person
          Family           $75    Two people living at same address
          Institutions   $40    Library or Archival Centre
Two Payment Options
Online —  If you wish to join QFHS, please click here Online Join.
If you wish to Renew your membership, click on Members Only in the sidebar and scroll down to My Profile.
**It is not necessary to have a PayPal account. 
Mail — Complete the Membership Form and mail it to the QFHS with your cheque or money order.
**We ask you to complete the membership form when renewing to ensure that we have the correct contact information in our records.
Your donation will help support the field of family history. Donations help us purchase resources for our library, offer lectures, seminars, and other activities, and create databases.
Donations can be made by cheque by mail or online via the website.
Membership Benefits
  • Come in and use our Heritage Centre and Library and its complete collection of specialized genealogical resources, including books, reference material, family histories, records on CD, microfilm, microfiche and several unique databases
  • At the Heritage Centre and Library you have access to the complete world edition of Ancestry, Genealogie Quebec and the online digitized records of FamilySearch which are available only at designated family history centers
  • Access to the members-only section of our website
  • Increase your knowledge of how to research your family history
  • Network with members to help solve research problems
  • Attend genealogy-related events
  • Discounts on research services
  • Receive our journal Connections 
  • Local members may borrow non-reference books from our library in person for a period of 3 weeks
  • Receive email notifications about lectures, workshops, tours, conferences and other items of genealogical interest
Members can now listen to the saved audio of Lesley Anderson's recent Zoom Session: 
"Secrets and Shenanigans:  How DNA helped solve a family mystery."  Sign in to the website as a member and go to "Zoom Sessions" under "Members Only".  If you don't know how to sign in, now's the time to learn!  
It's a fascinating story of excellent detective work.
QFHS President, Gary Schroder, was interviewed by
Ainslie MacLellan for the radio program  
"All in a Weekend"
on Saturday, June 7, 2020
To Listen:  Scroll down to June 7, 2020 and "Dig into your roots with a free genealogy webinar".  
Pointe-Claire Quebec contains one of the
largest Military Cemeteries in Canada